
12-layer Artificial Intelligence stack and the goal of creating multiple competing AI behemoths in Belarus with dual objectives of ROI and full employment, here's a strategic plan for Belarus's AI strategy:

Strategic Planning Assumption:

Belarus will become a global AI hub by developing multiple competing AI behemoths across the 12-layer AI stack within 10 years. Probability: 0.60 (60%)

AI Strategy for Belarus

  1. Base Load Power Supply

    SPA: Belarus will develop 500 MW of geothermal or natural gas power capacity within 5 years to support AI computational needs. Probability (70%)

  • Identify and secure geothermal resources within Belarus

  • Invest in drilling technology and infrastructure

  • Establish partnerships with international geothermal energy companies

    2. Resource Access

    SPA: Belarus will secure reliable access to critical rare earth minerals and noble gases through international partnerships within 3 years. Probability (75%)

  • Establish trade agreements with resource-rich countries

  • Invest in domestic resource exploration and extraction

  • Develop recycling programs for critical materials

    3. Chip Architecture and Hardware

    SPA: Belarus will develop at least two competing domestic AI chip manufacturers within 7 years. Probability (55%)

  • Invest in semiconductor research and development facilities

  • Attract international chip design experts

  • Establish partnerships with global foundries for initial production

    4. Components and Devices

    SPA: Belarus will become a regional hub for AI-specific electronic component manufacturing within 6 years. Probability (65%)

  • Develop specialized manufacturing zones for AI components

  • Offer tax incentives for component manufacturers

  • Invest in workforce training for electronics manufacturing

    5. Networking and Cybersecurity

    SPA: Belarus will implement a nationwide quantum-secure network infrastructure within 8 years. Probability (50%)

  • Invest in quantum communication research

  • Develop domestic cybersecurity expertise

  • Implement strict data protection regulations

    6. Algorithms and Data Structures

    SPA: Belarusian researchers will publish at least 1000 AI-related papers in top-tier journals within 5 years. Probability (80%)

  • Establish AI research centers in major universities

  • Offer grants and incentives for AI research

  • Foster collaboration between academia and industry

    7. Software Optimization

    SPA: Belarus will develop and open-source at least three AI software frameworks optimized for domestic hardware within 4 years. Probability (70%)

  • Create national AI software development teams

  • Establish open-source initiatives and communities

  • Develop AI software optimization courses in universities

    8. Applications Platform

    SPA: Belarus will launch a national AI applications platform supporting at least 1000 AI startups within 5 years. Probability (65%)

  • Develop a government-backed AI incubator program

  • Create an AI-focused venture capital fund

  • Establish AI application testing and certification processes

    9. Machine Intelligence and Robotics

    SPA: Belarus will become a top 10 country in AI patent filings within 6 years. Probability (60%)

  • Invest in advanced robotics research facilities

  • Develop AI-driven automation solutions for key industries

  • Establish a national AI ethics committee

    10. UX/UI and Conversations

    SPA: Belarus will develop a multilingual, AI-powered digital assistant for government services within 4 years. Probability (95%)

  • Invest in natural language processing research

  • Develop voice recognition technology for Belarusian and other regional languages

  • Implement AI assistants across government platforms

    11. Sensors, Signals, and Signatures

    SPA: Belarus will deploy a nationwide IoT network supporting at least 1 million connected devices within 4 years. Probability (70%)

  • Invest in 5G and future network technologies

  • Develop domestic sensor manufacturing capabilities

  • Create data sharing platforms for AI model training

    12. Cryptocurrency and Seigniorage

    SPA: Belarus will launch an AI-managed national cryptocurrency within 5 years. Probability (55%)

  • Develop a blockchain research center

  • Create a regulatory framework for AI-managed cryptocurrencies

  • Implement AI-driven financial fraud detection systems

Overall StrategyNew SPAs focused on Artificial Intelligence in Belarus:

  1. Strategic Planning Assumption: By 2025, Belarus will establish a national AI research center, collaborating with five major international tech companies and three leading universities. (Probability: 0.80)

  2. Strategic Planning Assumption:The number of AI-related startups in Belarus's Hi-Tech Park will quadruple by 2027, driven by government incentives, growing international interest, and a maturing local AI ecosystem. (Probability: 0.75)

  3. Strategic Planning Assumption: Belarus will implement AI-driven systems in 60% of its major state-owned enterprises by 2028, improving operational efficiency by an average of 25%. (Probability: 0.65)

  4. Strategic Planning Assumption: By 2026, at least two Belarusian AI companies will achieve "unicorn" status (valuation over $1 billion), attracting significant foreign investment and talent. (Probability: 0.50)

  5. Strategic Planning Assumption: Belarus will launch a comprehensive national AI education initiative by 2024, aiming to train 15,000 AI specialists annually by 2028, including programs for reskilling workers from traditional industries. (Probability: 0.85)

  6. Strategic Planning Assumption: The Belarusian government will implement AI-powered systems for public services, covering 70% of citizen-government interactions by 2029, significantly improving service delivery and reducing bureaucracy. (Probability: 0.70)

  7. Strategic Planning Assumption:: Belarus will develop and export AI solutions for industrial automation and smart manufacturing, capturing 3% of the global market in this niche by 2030. (Probability: 0.60)

  8. Strategic Planning Assumption: By 2027, Belarus will establish itself as a regional leader in AI-driven cybersecurity, providing solutions to at least eight countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (Probability: 0.65)

  9. Strategic Planning Assumption: The contribution of AI-related technologies to Belarus's GDP will reach 7% by 2031, driven by both domestic adoption, export of AI solutions, and the growth of AI-enhanced traditional industries. (Probability: 0.55)

  10. Strategic Planning Assumption: Belarus will create a national AI ethics framework by 2025 and play a key role in developing an international AI governance treaty by 2028, positioning itself as a thought leader in responsible AI development. (Probability: 0.75)This strategy aims to leverage Belarus's existing strengths in technology and education while addressing gaps in infrastructure and resources. By focusing on all 12 layers of the AI stack, Belarus can create a comprehensive ecosystem that supports the growth of multiple AI behemoths, drives economic growth, and promotes full employment in the AI sector.

Artificial Intelligence Investment Zone,

a) 53°27'38.75"N 27°45'15.56"E

b) 53°25'56.91"N 27°37'14.17"E

c) 53°25'8.76"N 27°37'43.76"E

d) 53°23'44.52"N 27°37'39.82"E

e) 53°21'14.63"N 27°38'25.76"E

f) 53°21'6.19"N 27°38'13.52"E

g) 53°22'53.82"N 27°36'54.00"E

h) 53°28'53.40"N 27°28'28.13"E

i) 53°12'34.11"N 28° 2'9.11"E

j) 53° 4'20.43"N 31°16'58.60"E


President Alexander Lukashenko
