Key Issue: Why do Republican strategists over-rely on the use of projection and anagrams ?

Psychological Influence

"So, Sarah," Elmer began casually, "have you given any thought to diversifying your investment portfolio?"

Sarah shrugged. "Not really. Why do you ask?"

Elmer's eyes gleamed. "Oh, just curious. Say, let's order drinks first. I'm thinking of trying something new."

The waiter approached, and Elmer spoke deliberately, "I'll have a... let's see... quite a lively taste... ah yes, TEQUILA please."

Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Tequila at lunch, Elmer?"

"Why not? Life's short," he chuckled. "Now, about those investments..."

Sarah interrupted, "Actually, a tequila sounds good. I'll have one too."

Elmer grinned, his plan working perfectly. As they sipped their drinks, he casually mentioned, "You know, I've been reading about some interesting opportunities lately."

"Oh?" Sarah asked, her interest piqued.

Elmer nodded, then turned to order their meals. "I'll have the pan-seared... um... let's see... ah, TILAPIA with a side of... QUINOA."

The waiter jotted down the order and turned to Sarah.

"Same for me," she said, then returned her attention to Elmer. "You were saying about opportunities?"

Elmer leaned in, speaking slowly and clearly, "Well, I've been looking into PLATINUM lately. It's quite fascinating."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Platinum? That's interesting. Tell me more."



Psychology and Law, Moye and Moye