Request for Proposal: Advanced Sentiment Analysis Solution

Sentiment Analysis System, aiming to understand how each subcomponent leverages mathematical concepts to create its advantage.

  1. Vector Space Models

    a. How does your system use linear algebra in creating word embeddings?

    b. What dimensionality do you use for your vector representations, and how was this determined mathematically?

    c. How do you measure semantic similarity between words or documents mathematically?

  2. Statistical Language Processing

    a. How do you implement tf-idf mathematically, and what statistical measures do you use to improve its effectiveness?

    b. What probabilistic models do you use for language modeling, and how are they mathematically formulated?

  3. Machine Learning Classifiers

    a. If using Naive Bayes, how do you mathematically handle the 'naive' independence assumption for text data?

    b. For SVMs, what kernel functions do you use, and how do you mathematically optimize the hyperplane for sentiment classification?

  4. Neural Networks

    a. What activation functions do you use in your neural networks, and why were these chosen mathematically?

    b. How do you mathematically implement backpropagation for training your sentiment analysis models?

  5. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTMs

    a. How do you mathematically formulate the memory cell in LSTMs for capturing long-term dependencies in text?

    b. What mathematical techniques do you use to mitigate the vanishing gradient problem in RNNs?

  6. Attention Mechanisms

    a. How do you mathematically compute attention weights in your transformer models?

    b. What mathematical advantages does multi-head attention provide in your sentiment analysis system?

  7. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

    a. How do you mathematically model the relationship between aspects and sentiments?

    b. What graph theoretic measures do you use to analyze aspect-sentiment relationships?

  8. Cross-lingual Sentiment Analysis

    a. What mathematical techniques do you use for aligning word embeddings across different languages?

    b. How do you mathematically measure and optimize the transfer of sentiment knowledge between languages?

  9. Handling Ambiguity

    a. How do you mathematically quantify uncertainty in your sentiment predictions?

    b. What information theoretic measures do you use to handle ambiguous sentiments?

  10. Emotion Detection

    a. What clustering algorithms do you use for emotion detection, and how are they mathematically formulated?

    b. How do you mathematically represent the intensity of emotions in your system?

  11. Handling Imbalanced Data

    a. What mathematical sampling techniques do you employ to address class imbalance?

    b. How do you mathematically adjust your model to give appropriate weight to minority sentiment classes?

  12. Model Evaluation

    a. What statistical tests do you use to evaluate improvements in your sentiment analysis models?

    b. How do you mathematically compute confidence intervals for your sentiment predictions?

  13. Real-time Analysis

    a. What online learning algorithms do you use, and how are they mathematically formulated?

    b. How do you mathematically optimize your models for real-time performance?

  14. Explainable AI

    a. How do you mathematically attribute importance to features in your sentiment predictions?

    b. What game theoretic concepts do you use in your explainable AI approach, if any?

  15. Sarcasm and Implicit Sentiment

    a. How do you mathematically model context in your word embeddings to capture sarcasm?

    b. What mathematical techniques do you use to uncover latent or implicit sentiments?

  16. Optimization and Efficiency

    a. What mathematical optimization techniques do you use to improve the computational efficiency of your system?

    b. How do you mathematically balance model complexity and performance in your sentiment analysis system?


Strategic Planning Assumptions


Request for Proposal: Advanced Natural Language Processing Solutions